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Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Laziest Ways to Lose Weight

It's always nice to have a variety of ideas for how to lose weight, so here are some good ones from an article I came across recently. Click the link below to read about 14 tips for losing weight without much effort!

This just goes to show that losing weight and staying healthy does not have to be hard, it just has to be sustainable. In case you don't have time to read the whole thing, here are my favorites:

1) Move while watching TV

Unless you have a very active job, there is no reason for you to go home after a long day of sitting and sit more! This doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your favorite shows though. Do push ups between the breaks, foam roll during the show, or do jumping jacks after every break. Whatever it is, keep moving!

2) Stop Between Bites

Eating slowly has been shown to have dramatic effects on food consumption. When you eat quickly, you can get a lot more down than when you take your time and really enjoy your food. By taking breaks and eating slowly, you end up getting more out each meal while eating less!

3) Sleep More

There are not many things that are more important than sleeping for weight loss, so get in as much as you can!

The one thing I was not a big fan of was the popcorn tip. While it may have fiber, nighttime snacking is not usually associated with successful weight loss. Having a few bites is not a big deal, but "a few bites" and popcorn never seem to go together. So take it easy on that one, but full steam ahead with the other habits. 

Until next time, let's pick a healthy habit that is easy to do and start doing it!

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