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Friday, July 23, 2010

In Related News: Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds

Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds on Shine

Great article that highlights the importance of food quality. I have recently been spending much of my time researching nutrition and optimal health, and what I have come to believe is that food quality is all that matters when it comes to health and longevity. This is born out of a paradigm shift from thinking that it's all about calories to the more appropriate view that it is all about how your body reacts to those calories. This means that calories are NOT all created equal. Depending on the quality of our food, issues surrounding digestion, hormonal balance, sleep, inflammation and stress can all either be made worse or better.

As mentioned in the article, part of food quality is knowing when to buy organic. Part of it is finding meats that have been fed food that they naturally eat i.e. grass-fed beef. Part of it is to stop eating food that is packaged/processed! And part of it is finding a way to drink quality water. These are not all the factors involved, but they are a great place to start if this is all new to you. The good news about this is that may of the foods that we have been told are "bad" do not turn out to have the negative effect we once thought. Red meat is a great example of a food item that has a rather nasty reputation, but we are finding that if you just eat red meat from grass-fed sources, it is actually very healthy for you!

If this is all difficult to take in, or flies in the face of your beliefs, I encourage you to do your own research and discover your own truth. Enjoy the article, and happy living!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

In Related News: The Importance of Sleep

As I have talked about before, and will surely talk about again, sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to all things health related. Getting more (and better quality) sleep can help with weight loss, depression, mood management, immune system functioning, hormonal balance, and can even diminish cravings for sugary foods! Sleep, and recovery in general, is one of the least respected aspects of health even though it could literally be the only difference between perfect health and terminal illness. The following article does a nice job of talking about the importance of sleep, so I hope you enjoy the read, but most importantly, I hope you take to heart the implications are of losing sleep. One of my favorite lectures often says that you should sleep as much as you can without getting fired, and I couldn't agree more! People usually do not even realize they are sleep deprived because they have been deprived for so long. As it says in the article, it could take two nights of 10 hours+ of sleep to help return you to normal, and if you have been deprived for a long time, I think that it could take more! So sleep as much as you can and you will truly see a difference in all aspects of your life.


Good luck and sweet dreams!
