We talk a lot about habits in our articles, how it’s important to do one thing at a time, and how success is found in the building of consistent routines. That’s all fine and good, but it doesn’t help much without some tangible actions to take! So today, let’s run through some daily habits that can help burn some fat while keeping you happy and healthy.
1) Eat eggs for breakfast. Forget the outdated cholesterol issue (read Fat is Fuel, Not Foe (Part 2) if you want to find out more on this), it’s time to get your protein in! Studies show that those people who get in a good portion of protein in the morning eat fewer calories the rest of the day.
2) Stand up. Find opportunities to stand up and move around throughout the day. Use a stand up desk if you can, or just find times to get up from your desk and walk around the office. Walk at lunch, walk to the water cooler, walk around your block, and stand up while talking on the phone. The more you are on your feet, the more your body will be working to keep you lean.
3) Stay positive. You actions are a direct representation of your mood, which is a reflection of your attitude. When we get down on ourselves, and think that we will never reach our goals, we end up creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Staying positive has the same effect, where we end up achieving more and feeling better simply due to our attitude.
4) Don’t eat in front of the TV. Studies show that when you eat in front of your TV, you are MUCH more likely to overeat. Mindless eating tends to lead to over-consumption, so eating in front of the TV, in the car, or while surfing the web are all counterproductive when you are trying to lose weight.
5) Weigh yourself each week. Now, you could take other measurements instead or in combination with weight, but the idea is to keep track. If you don’t know where you are, or where you are going, then you have no way to know if what you are doing is making a difference. Weight, measurements, photos, clothing size, whatever is most important to you!
6) Skip the juice and have the fruit. If you are a juice drinker, think about cutting out the concentrated sugar bomb and replacing it with a fiber-filled piece of fruit. You will get a lot more out of it with a fraction of the sugar.
7) Put your produce where you can see it. If you come home with your veggies and stuff them in the back of the bottom drawer, you are not likely to pull them back out. By keeping them on the top shelf or out in a bowl, you great increase your chances of consuming these food items.
8) Drink water when you are hungry. Many times when we feel hungry, we are actually just in need of water. Having a glass of water not only keeps you hydrated but also fills your stomach so you no longer have the urge to eat!
Take these habits and start implementing whichever most interests you. They each have great potential; it just comes back to that daily implementation of the habit.
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