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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

15 Shocking Exercise Facts

I came upon a great article this week that I wanted to share with you all. We all know that exercise is important, but we often forget just how many areas of our life exercise can positively influence. I would also say that movement in general can have many of these benefits as it is such a fundamental element of begin human. When we are sedentary, there is no way to be fully healthy, because our bodies are meant to be active.

For today, however, let's look specifically at exercise and find out just how important it is to our mind and body.

Here are some of my takeaways:

1) Some is better than none. Even if you can just get 5 minutes of exercise/movement/stretching each day, you will be better off for it.

2) Hard is better than easy. If you do decide to hit the weights or go for a run, push yourself. You will get much more out of the workout in much less time.

3)There are not many things that exercise does not improve. Between mood, sleep, looks, energy, and endurance, exercise can have significant benefits in a lot of areas.

Enjoy the article and stay active!

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