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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let's Get Serious!

Something that I try to always provide through these articles is action items. I don’t want to just throw out a bunch of information and leave you wondering how to apply it, so if you look back, you will find that I usually end each article by explaining what your next step should be. This implies, however, that you will take action.

We can know everything in the world about health and fitness, but without action, the knowledge is meaningless. In a newsletter I received this week, one of my mentors asks a pointed question of all of us, “Are you serious?”

As the video shows, if you have been thinking about changing your life and want to get healthy, then it is time to get serious (note: I do not necessarily support Todd’s nutritional advice, especially if fat loss is your goal). Stop wishing that you felt better/looked better/moved better and start taking action to make it happen. We each have the power to create the lives and bodies that we want, but it means getting serious about your goals. It means putting yourself first, planning ahead, and knowing what you want. It means figuring out what steps you need to take to get from where you are right now to where you want to be and starting on the first step today. Living healthy and happy does not happen overnight, it takes years of consistently moving toward a greater goal. We all have days that we fall off track, don’t want to get out of bed, feel that we deserve that slice of cake, don’t have the energy to cook, but it is those people that remember their goals and are dedicated to what they want to achieve that will come out ahead in the end.

Today, reflect on your goals and whether you have taken the steps necessary to achieve them. If not, what has stopped you? What else in your life has been more important than your goal? Should it be? Do not let the unimportant take control of your life. Every day you should wake up knowing what you want to achieve and be prepared to stay on course as best you can. This is what success is all about and what it means to be serious.

So, are YOU serious?

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