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Monday, November 9, 2009

In Related News: 11/9/09

I saw this article in the New York Times and wanted to share it with all of you! It talks about barefoot running and makes reference to the book Born to Run, which I recommend for anyone who enjoys running or would like to get into it.

In my opinion, barefoot activity is the way to go. Running barefoot realigns your body and forces you into a self limiting exercise. This means that you will have a shorter, more efficient stride, while allowing you to only go as long as you feet will tolerate. If you start to feel pain, then it is time to stop. From my experience, however, once you get used to it, barefoot running will allow for long bouts of running without the all to common aches and pains that are associated with endurance running. By running barefoot, you are no longer restricted to move in the way the shoe was designed for (heal striking), but rather what the foot was designed to do (landing on the ball of the foot). This minimizes the impact force that reverberates up your body, helping to reduce pain and injury at the foot, ankle, knee, hips, and back.

If possible, I enjoy working out barefoot as well. There is no substitute in training or maintaining balance and stability than allowing your foot the sensation of having contact with the floor. Don't take my word for it; do some research, try it out, and see if you experience the balance, stability and strength that comes from kicking off the shoes.

As a side note, I do realize that there will be times that this is inappropriate or unsafe, so be sensible. If your running in unknown terrain, it can be best to have protection, but the thinner the sole the better. I hope you try it out, I have been exercising barefoot for a few months now and don't plan on going back. Have fun and let me know what you think!


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