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Monday, October 26, 2009

Tip of the Day

Stay clear of machines! Some say that machines are good for those who are new to lifting or are too frail to manage free weights. I say, if they don't have the stability to handle free weights, then why are we just adding to the dysfunction by allowing them to build up their big muscles even more while their stabilizers stay weak?! If you can't squat because you lose your balance or you can't squat down far enough, then why are you on a leg press with twice the weight and half the range of motion? There is just no functional purpose to using a machine, and even for those whose only goal is to get bigger, the benefits of free-weight training are far greater in the end than machine training could ever be.

The only machines I do use in a gym have cables. Cables allow for natural movement, keep you on your feet (or knees), and have a number of quality exercises for which they can be used. I also will recommend negative resistant pull-ups sometimes, but even here I would rather use cables to work my vertical pulls if they are available. If you are hesitant to get off the machines, or do not know where to start with your exercises, check out my Exercise 101 series, and don’t be afraid to ask for help, either from me or one of the trainers at your gym. They should be more than happy to show you where to start, and once you’re rolling, you will see that there are more benefits to free-weight and body weight training than you could ever achieve with machines. Good luck and happy training!


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