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Friday, August 24, 2012

Enhancing Your Body with Your Mind

by Sepano Hassanzadeh

I have a confession to make. I've been wrong. Dead wrong. I thought I had it right, but I didn't.

You see, I've been focusing a lot on enhancing the Body. Train smart, eat smart...that kind of stuff. Yes it's solid advice and yes, it provides results. But I've been ignoring an underlying element: the Mind.

“Eat Well, Think Well, Move Well”

I first heard the above words uttered by a very knowledgeable chiropractor and right away I thought, “This guy's a genius. He has simplified health, fitness, and lifestyle success to six words!”

I adopted and practiced this philosophy and saw great results. But something was missing. I ate well. I trained well. But was I truly THINKING well? Up until recently the answer was a resounding no.

Okay, And Your Point Is?

My point is that it all begins with the Mind. If you hope to be successful in your health, fitness, and life goals, you must FIRST STRENGTHEN YOUR MIND. So how do you go about strengthening your mind?

Think of the Mind as the command center or central processing unit. It's the General, the King, the CEO.

Think of the Body as the physical organism. If this organism is the puppet, the Mind is the puppeteer. Hopefully you are starting to understand the roles, given all the awesome analogies I'm providing.

You should begin to realize that the stronger the Mind is, the more powerful the Body can be. The better the leader is, the better the company can and will be.

Strengthening Your Mind: The Unlimited Power of Thoughts

Remember that part about “thinking well”? Now we have arrived to it. Strengthening the Mind involves thinking POWERFUL and POSTIVE thoughts.

It is well-documented that our thoughts and beliefs actually affect our genes and how they are expressed within the organism. Genes are like blueprints for the Body. This gets into the field of Epigenetics and Energy Medicine on which books have been written. If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend Bruce Lipton's The Biology of Belief.

The basic principle, however, is this: if you are constantly thinking about your strengths and looking at the positive in any situation, you will actually manifest those qualities. There will be no room for negative thoughts and therefore the positive thoughts which are dominant will begin to prodice higher energy, better mood, and greater motivation.

Feeding The Mind & Body: A Reward System for Success

Just as the Body requires nutrients to survive and thrive, the Mind also needs “food” to grow and function optimally. It starts to make sense when you find yourself with more food cravings during very stressful or frustrating times. This is the Mind telling you that it's starving and needs to be fed and rewarded.

Once you understand that both entities require daily nourishment, you can give yourself the proper rewards to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve the body you want, without going insane in the process.

Below I've listed some examples of food for the Mind and Body.

Mind Food Essentials

* Positive thoughts/empowering beliefs
* Top 3 favorite foods (what food can you not live without?)
* Social occasions (getting together with friends)
* Watching uplifting movies
* Reading thought provoking books
* Listening to inspiring music

Body Food Essentials

* Exercise (sports, weight-training, cardiovascular training)
* Nutrient-dense foods
* Certain supplements (fish oil, multivitamin, protein powder)

Important for Both

* Relaxation techniques (breathing, meditation, etc.)
* Yoga & other recovery exercise
* Massage
* Acupuncture
* Deep sleep
* Power naps


As we can see, the Mind leads the Body and therefore should be strengthened in order to achieve a better and healthier body. Therefore, strengthening the Mind is just as important as, and should by no means be sacrificed for, strengthening the body.

To do this, we must “feed” the mind with powerful and positive thoughts along with mind-nourishing activities. In the end, it’s all about balance. We must nourish both our bodies and our minds each day.  An example is getting a good night’s sleep, and then making sure we read a book and exercising during the day.

If we can focus our efforts both of these areas, we can enhance our ability to achieve any goal we set our mind and body to. To the feast!

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